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Prophet Yussef in English & German

The story of Prophet Yusuf Is unique among the stories of prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. Yusuf was from the genealogy of Prophets. He was the son of Yakub, grandson of Is’haq and the great-grandson of Ibrahim (May Allah‘s blessing be with them all). The distinctiveness of his story is that it is the only prophetic narrative in an entire chapter. It was one of the most inspiring and lesson-filled stories of the Qur’an. Not only does the story make an interesting read, but it also teaches us vital lessons about many of the issues that we face in our daily lives.

The noble Qur’an is a book full of miracles unique in content and context. The narrative style revelation brings into play series of events from pre-creation to the end of time. The story of Prophet Yusuf Peace be upon him was outstanding among the stories of prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. Yusuf was from the genealogy of Prophets. He was the son of Yakub, grandson of Is’haq and the great-grandson of Ibrahim (May Allah‘s blessing be with them all). The distinctiveness of his story is that it is the only prophetic narrative in an entire chapter. It was one of the most inspiring and lesson-filled stories of the Qur’an. Not only does the story make an interesting read, but it also teaches us vital lessons about many of the issues that we face in our daily lives.
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: It was asked, “O Messenger of Allah! Who is the most honorable amongst mankind?” He said, “The most honorable of them is one who is the most pious of them.” They said, “We are not asking about this”. He said, “Then, the most honourable of men was Yusuf (Joseph), the Prophet of Allah, the son of Allah’s Prophet, who was the son of the Prophet of Allah, who was the son of the Khalil of Allah (i.e., Ibrahim)’ … (Bukhari and Muslim)
This is a compelling and highly fascinating story that encapsulates noble praise-worthy characters and a mix of human weaknesses. Allah narrates to us about Yusuf’s trouble, joy, and sorrow. We saw how jealousy, hatred, deception, and ill feelings was unleashed against Yusuf’s personality. Yet, he conquered with patience, bravery, honesty, and reliance on Allah. This, in the long run, led him to be among the victorious. It’s essential to read up the complete chapter for a full grasp.

Prophet Yusuf a.s., whose story of patience is often mentioned. In fact, the Quran affirms his patience as a sign and an example for those who wish to emulate. Allah s.w.t. says in surah Yusuf, verse 7: 
Meaning: “Certainly were there in Joseph (Yusuf) and his brothers signs for those who ask 

In the story of Prophet Yusuf a.s., we learn that he was tested by Allah s.w.t. through consecutive tests. It started with the hostility between some of his siblings towards him because they were jealous of their father’s affection towards Prophet Yusuf a.s. The Quran describes how they threw him into a dry well. After he managed to escape from the well, he was then tested when he worked as a helper in the home of a governor. Even after he was taken out from the well, the tests that befell him continued and even increased in intensity. This includes the temptations that tried to lure him to committing sins, and the false allegations made against him. 

Prophet Yusuf a.s. were tested with such major challenges, yet, he continued to be firm in his faith, resilient, and faced the tests with patience and in firm belief that Allah s.w.t. knows best. Allah’s tests for a person do not mean that the person is despised, in fact it could mean the complete opposite. At times, a person is tested even though he is the most beloved servant of Allah s.w.t.. There are those who are tested because these challenges are kaffarah or an expiation of their past sins. Let us look at a Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. that was recorded by Imam Bukhari: 
Meaning: “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.” 

Patience and consistency (Istiqamah) in having taqwa will lead to good results. 
Let us look back at the story of Prophet Yusuf a.s., whom after some time, was shown the way out by Allah s.w.t. and he eventually achieved victory. He was made an important person who was in a position of power and leadership. In fact, it is by Allah’s decree that he reunited with his siblings who asked for his help because their country was facing a major drought. Allah s.w.t. described how their reunion in verse 90 of surah Yusuf: 
Meaning: They said, "Are you indeed Yusuf [Joseph]?" He said "I am Yusuf [Joseph], and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good." 

In this world, one will not be able to fulfill their hopes and dreams, nor realize one’s ambitions unless one has patience. Anyone who is patient will eventually succeed, and the opposite holds true as well. Think about it, if a farmer does not wait patiently for his seeds to grow and ripen for harvest, then he is unable to reap what he has sown. If an entrepreneur is impatient when facing losses, then he will not be successful. And so, it is with patience that those who are successful are able to achieve success in this world. 
We pray that Allah s.w.t. grants us a strong heart and soul that will continue to strive hard to achieve our goals and objectives. May Allah s.w.t forgive our past sins, and ease our affairs. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin. 

Please read chapter 12 saurat Yussef in the Quran in Arabic or read the translation in your own language to grasp a picture of many wisdoms from this amazing real story full of lessons and pearls 

يوسف عليه السلام هو نبي من أنبياء الله، وصفه رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّمبالكريم بن الكريم بن الكريم بنالكريم، فهو يوسف بن يعقوب بن إسحاق بن ابراهيم عليهم السّلام، وردت قصته في القرآن الكريم في سورةيوسف، وهي من السور القرآنية ذات المدلولات العجيبة والغزيرة بالعظات والعبر، والزاخرة بالوقائع الفريدة، فهيتقصّ قصة النبي يوسف -عليه السلاموما واجهه من ابتلاءات، وصعوبات، ووقائع، ومحن.

إ قصة يوسف عليه السلام مرحلة الطفولة نشأ يوسف في بيت أبيه يعقوب -عليهما الصلاة والسلاممع إخوتهالإحدى عشر، وكما يبدو من وقائع القصة أنّ أباه كان يحبه حبّاً جماً، وفي أحد الأيام قصّ يوسف -عليه السلامرؤيا رآها في منامه على أبيه، مفادها أنّه رأى أحد عشر كوكباً والشمس والقمر يسجدون له، فعلِم يعقوب -عليهالسلامأنّ يوسف سيكون له شأن عظيم في المستقبل، وحذّره من أن يقصّ رؤياه لإخوته خوفاً من حسدهمومكرهم، قال الله تعالى: (إِذ قالَ يوسُفُ لِأَبيهِ يا أَبَتِ إِنّي رَأَيتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوكَبًا وَالشَّمسَ وَالقَمَرَ رَأَيتُهُم ليساجِدينَ*قالَ يا بُنَيَّ لا تَقصُص رُؤياكَ عَلى إِخوَتِكَ فَيَكيدوا لَكَ كَيدًا إِنَّ الشَّيطانَ لِلإِنسانِ عَدُوٌّ مُبينٌ)،[٣ولكنيقع ما كان يحذّره يعقوب -عليه السلاموتبدأ نار الحسد والمكر تشتعل في صدور إخوة يوسف، ثمّ يجتمعونليمكروا به ويقودهم حسدهم ليُفكّروا في قتله، إلّا أنّ أحدهم اقترح عدم قتله وإلقائه في إحدى الآبار ليأخده قومآخرون، وبهذا يكونوا قد حققوا مرادهم بتغييب يوسف -عليه السلامعن أبيه، فمضوا في المؤامرة ثمّ عادوا فيالليل إلى أبيهم في وقت متأخر من الليل ليكون ذلك دليلاً على صدقهم وكانوا يبكون وقالوا بأنّ الذئب أكله، ولكنّأباهم علم أنّهم دبروا أمراً، وصارحهم بذلك وقال لهم كما ذُكر في القرآن الكريم: (بَل سَوَّلَت لَكُم أَنفُسُكُم أَمرًافَصَبرٌ جَميلٌ وَاللَّهُ المُستَعانُ عَلى ما تَصِفونَ)،[٤وبعد ذلك مرّت قافلة من جانب البئر فأرسلوا أحدهم ليأتي لهمبالماء، فينبهر برؤية يوسف -عليه السلاممُتعلّقاً بالدلو، وقال يا بشرى هذا غلام، وتمّ بيعه بدراهم معدودة وأصبحعبداً عند وزير ملك مصر الذي استوصى به خيراً بقوله لامرأته بأن تكرم مثواه، وتنتهي طفولة يوسف بالانتقال منالحب والعطف في كنف أبيه إلى أن أصبح مملوكاً في بيت عزيز مصر.

مرحلة الشباب شبّ يوسف -عليه السلامفي قصر عزيز مصر وآتاه الله جمال الخِلقة، والخُلق، والعلم، والحكمة،فأصبح محطّ أنظار زوجة العزيز التي فُتنت بجماله، فبدأت تُمهّد لأمر خطير وفتنة عظيمة، فشغفها حباً وأغلقتالأبواب وصارحته بأنّها تريد منه فعل الفاحشة معها، فتفاجئ يوسف -عليه السلاموقال لها معاذ الله، ثمّ ولّىهارباً منها فأمسكت بقميصه من الخلف فتمزق، وإذ بالعزيز يقف وراء الباب، واتهمت يوسف -عليه السلامبالاعتداء عليها لتبرأ نفسها، وطلبت من زوجها أن يعاقبه بالسجن أو أي عقوبة أخرى، وسرعان ما أنكر يوسفذلك وقال بأنّها هي التي راودته عن نفسه، وبعد أن رأى العزيز أنّ قميص يوسف تمزّق من الخلف علم أنّ زوجتههي المُذنبة، ثمّ انتشرت القصة بين نساء الملأ وعلمت بذلك امرأة العزيز، فوضعت خطة تدلّ على مكرها ودهائها،فدعت نساء الملأ إلى جلسة وأعطت كلّ واحدة منهنّ طبقاً وسكّيناً حادة لتقّطعها، وأمرت يوسف -عليه السلامبالدخول إلى النسوة، فسرق أبصارهنّ وعقولهنّ وجرحن أيديهنّ وهنّ لا يشعرن، فتتفاقم فتنة يوسف -عليه السلامبعد انضمام نساء الملأ لامرأة العزيز في مراودته عن نفسه، ثمّ هدّدته امرأة العزيز بالسجن والذلّ إن لم يفعل ماطلبنه منه، ففضّل يوسف السجن على الفاحشة، ولجأ إلى ربه ليبعده عن الفتنة، وشاء الله أن يدخل السجن.[٥][٦قصة يوسف في السجن دخل يوسف عليه السلام السجن ليكون بمثابة الحصن له من الفتنة، ودخل معهالسجن فتيان، وسرعان ما كسب ثقتهما بحسن خلقه وعلمه في تفسير الأحلام، وذات يوم قصّ الفتيان رؤى علىيوسف، فانتهز يوسف الفرصة لدعوتهما إلى الله تعالى، وبعد انتهائه من ذلك بدأ بتأويل الرؤى، وكان تأويل أحدهاأنّ صاحب الرؤية سيصبح ساقي الخمر الخاص بالملك، والآخر سيُصلب، فتحقّقت الرؤيا وخرج أحدهما وأصبحساقي الخمرللملك وطلب منه يوسف -عليه السلامأن يذكر قصته للملك، ولكنّه نسي ذلك، وبعد فترة رأى الملك رؤياوقصّها على الملأ فعجزوا عن تفسيرها، ولكنّ يوسف عليه السلام فسّرها، فما كان من الملك إلّا أن أُعجب به لماسمع عنه من جمال خُلق، وعلمٍ واسع.[٥مرحلة التمكين خرج يوسف -عليه السلاممن السجن عزيزاً لمصر،وأميناً على خزائنها، ودارت الأزمان والظروف ليقود الله إخوة يوسف إليه، فدخلوا عليه ليطلبوا منه طعاماً فعرفهموهم له مُنكرون، وما لبث يوسف -عليه السلامحتى بدأ بالتفكير بخطة لجمع شمله بأبيه وأخيه من جديد، فمنععنهم الطعام حتى يُحضروا أخاهم، فعادوا الى أبيهم ليطلبوا منه أن يرسل معهم أخاهم، فيجيبهم بالقول: (هَلآمَنُكُم عَلَيهِ إِلّا كَما أَمِنتُكُم عَلى أَخيهِ مِن قَبلُ فَاللَّهُ خَيرٌ حافِظًا وَهُوَ أَرحَمُ الرّاحِمينَ)،[٧وبعد عدة محاولات أرسلهمعهم بعد أن أخذ عليهم موثقاً من الله، ثمّ دخلوا على يوسف -عليه السلامفأخبر أخاه أنّه يوسف كي لا يخاف أويحزن ممّا سيحصل معهم، ثمّ جعل مكيال الملك الذهبي في رحل أخيه، وطلب من الحرس أن يُظهروا ضياعالمكيال وسرقته، وبعد التفتيش المخطط له استخرجوا المكيال من رحل أخيه، وبهذه الخطة استطاع يوسف أن يأخذأخاه منهم، ثمّ عاد إخوته إلى أبيهم وأخبروه بما حصل، فحزن حزناً شديداً على يوسف وأخيه وفقد بصره، ثمّ عادإخوة يوسف إليه وقد مسهم الضرّ والفقر وطلبوا منه أنّ يفرج عن أخيهم، فيرقّ يوسف لحالهم ويقول لهمهلعلمتم ما فعلتم بيوسف، ويصارحهم بأنّه هو يوسف، فقالوا له والله لقد آثرك الله علينا ثمّ يندمون ويعترفونبخطأهم، فيقبل الكريم اعتذارهم، ثمّ ذهب يعقوب -عليه السلاموأبناؤه إلى مصر، وسجد له إخوته سجود شكر لاسجود عبادة.

قصة يوسف في السجن دخل يوسف عليه السلام السجن ليكون بمثابة الحصن له من الفتنة، ودخل معه السجنفتيان، وسرعان ما كسب ثقتهما بحسن خلقه وعلمه في تفسير الأحلام، وذات يوم قصّ الفتيان رؤى على يوسف،فانتهز يوسف الفرصة لدعوتهما إلى الله تعالى، وبعد انتهائه من ذلك بدأ بتأويل الرؤى، وكان تأويل أحدها أنّصاحب الرؤية سيصبح ساقي الخمر الخاص بالملك، والآخر سيُصلب، فتحقّقت الرؤيا وخرج أحدهما وأصبحساقي الخمرللملك وطلب منه يوسف -عليه السلامأن يذكر قصته للملك، ولكنّه نسي ذلك، وبعد فترة رأى الملك رؤياوقصّها على الملأ فعجزوا عن تفسيرها، ولكنّ يوسف عليه السلام فسّرها، فما كان من الملك إلّا أن أُعجب به لماسمع عنه من جمال خُلق، وعلمٍ واسع

مرحلة التمكين خرج يوسف -عليه السلاممن السجن عزيزاً لمصر، وأميناً على خزائنها، ودارت الأزمان والظروفليقود الله إخوة يوسف إليه، فدخلوا عليه ليطلبوا منه طعاماً فعرفهم وهم له مُنكرون، وما لبث يوسف -عليه السلامحتى بدأ بالتفكير بخطة لجمع شمله بأبيه وأخيه من جديد، فمنع عنهم الطعام حتى يُحضروا أخاهم، فعادوا الىأبيهم ليطلبوا منه أن يرسل معهم أخاهم، فيجيبهم بالقول: (هَل آمَنُكُم عَلَيهِ إِلّا كَما أَمِنتُكُم عَلى أَخيهِ مِن قَبلُ فَاللَّهُخَيرٌ حافِظًا وَهُوَ أَرحَمُ الرّاحِمينَ)،[٧وبعد عدة محاولات أرسله معهم بعد أن أخذ عليهم موثقاً من الله، ثمّ دخلواعلى يوسف -عليه السلامفأخبر أخاه أنّه يوسف كي لا يخاف أو يحزن ممّا سيحصل معهم، ثمّ جعل مكيال الملكالذهبي في رحل أخيه، وطلب من الحرس أن يُظهروا ضياع المكيال وسرقته، وبعد التفتيش المخطط له استخرجواالمكيال من رحل أخيه، وبهذه الخطة استطاع يوسف أن يأخذ أخاه منهم، ثمّ عاد إخوته إلى أبيهم وأخبروه بماحصل، فحزن حزناً شديداً على يوسف وأخيه وفقد بصره، ثمّ عاد إخوة يوسف إليه وقد مسهم الضرّ والفقر وطلبوامنه أنّ يفرج عن أخيهم، فيرقّ يوسف لحالهم ويقول لهمهل علمتم ما فعلتم بيوسف، ويصارحهم بأنّه هو يوسف،فقالوا له والله لقد آثرك الله علينا ثمّ يندمون ويعترفون بخطأهم، فيقبل الكريم اعتذارهم، ثمّ ذهب يعقوب -عليهالسلاموأبناؤه إلى مصر، وسجد له إخوته سجود شكر لا سجود عبادة.

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The Holy Prophet (S) said. “One who displeases the parents, (it is as if) he has displeased Allah. One who angers both his parents (it is as if) he has angered Allah.” Elsewhere, it is mentioned, “One who hurts his parents, hurts me and one who hurts me has hurt Allah. And the one who hurts Allah is accursed.” Āq al-Walidayn is Not Eligible For Divine Forgiveness The wretchedness of the Āq al-Walidayn is sufficiently evident from the fact that the trustworthy Jibrīl (a.s.) has cursed him and said, “One who is blessed with parents but does not fulfill their (his parent’s) rights will not be forgiven (his sins) by Allah.” 3 When Jibrīl (a.s.) said this, the Holy Prophet (S) uttered, ‘Amen’! DONT disrespect, shout, ignore, annoy, disobey, disregard, disturb our parents. They were looking after us when we were nothing but an easy prey to anything around. They were awake during the nights to make us sleep and feel us secured. We may not remember a thing in the childhoo...

Medical, Scientific and religious Reasons for not Eating Pork:

People ask me all the time, Why don't you eat pork? ...Is it for  religious reasons? ...Are you vegetarian? Are you a Muslim or a Jew  ? Do you know that pork taste good ? Honestly, just today I was even asked for sound scientific evidence affirming the danger of eating pork. I will share a few findings with you. Medical and Scientific Reasons for not Eating Pork: This is a direct quote from "What the Bible Says About Healthy Eating" by Dr. Rex Russell. He attended Baylor School of Medicine in Houston, Texas and did his residency at the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota. Let us watch this short video , let the conversation begin: "One reason for God's rule forbidding pork is that the digestive system of a pig is completely different from that of a cow. It is similar to ours, in that the stomach is very acidic. Pigs are gluttonous, never knowing when to stop eating. Their stomach acids become diluted because of the volume of food, allowing all kind...

An open letter to Jehovah Witness :

A letter to Jehovah Witness by Rachidm: Dear Jehovah’s Witnesses: I would like to share with you some biblical research based upon my discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses friends. My wife used to be a Jehovah Witness. When we got married, I, as a  Muslim told her ; "you have the right to practice your religion". I even offered to give her a ride if needed to the Kingdom hall ( Jehovah Witness place of worship ) .  With an open mind, I supported her and told her I would never mind her practicing and preaching her religion. During our first couple years  of blessed and happy marriage together, I was privileged to engage with my parents in law (upon their request) in a comparative study between Islam and their beliefs. Although they were discouraged from dialogue since they believe their way is the only correct way, I always enjoyed a good open discussion about religion in general. My Mom in law offered me a copy of the New World Translation...

Jehovah's Witness converts to Islam

A letter to Jehovah Witness by Rachidm: Dear Jehovah’s Witnesses: I would like to share with you some biblical research based upon my discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses friends. My wife used to be a Jehovah Witness. When we got married, I, as a  Muslim told her ; "you have the right to practice your religion". I even offered to give her a ride if needed to the Kingdom hall ( Jehovah Witness place of worship ) .  With an open mind, I supported her and told her I would never mind her practicing and preaching her religion. During our first couple years  of blessed and happy marriage together, I was privileged to engage with my parents in law (upon their request) in a comparative study between Islam and their beliefs. Although they were discouraged from dialogue since they believe their way is the only correct way, I always enjoyed a good open discussion about religion in general. My Mom in law offered me a copy of the New World Translation ...

Imam Abu Anas Abdulhadi of Masjid Al Furqan

“And no bearer of burdens shall bear another’s burden”. (Quran 35:18)

The idea of Jesus dying on the cross is central to the Christian belief.  It represents the conviction that Jesus died for the sins of mankind.  The crucifixion of Jesus is a vital doctrine in Christianity; however Muslims reject it completely.  Before describing what Muslims believe about Jesus’ crucifixion, it may be useful to understand the Islamic reaction to the notion of original sin. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree in paradise, they were not tempted by a serpent.  It was Satan who deceived and cajoled them, whereupon they exercised their free will and made an error in judgement.  Eve does not bear the burden of this mistake alone.  Together, Adam and Eve realised their disobedience, felt remorse and begged for God’s forgiveness.  God, in his infinite mercy and wisdom, forgave them.  Islam has no concept of original sin; each person bears responsibility for his own deeds. “And no bearer of burdens shall bear another’s bur...


Greetings of peace, This post is an answer to a new friend whom I recently met and respect , a devout Christian  passionate about sharing his religion with others , who challenged me to provide some proofs regarding why Muslims don't accept the doctrine of  original sin; a doctrine ( including the concept of trinity ) that  was  added by the Church at the Council of Nicaea some 325 years after Jesus left the earth.  Notice I say left the earth ( meaning resurected alive by Allah )  and not died yet or crucify as some claims ,  but that is a topic for another day. Back to the doctrine of original sin. Are we born with so called Original sin or born innocent ? Is a Newly Born Baby really a Sinner? Islam Challenges The Concept of Original Sin. Let us found out why ? let's take a look at the following passages from The Bible: (Deuteronomy 24:16)   “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children...

Allah is the Most Generous by Dr. EL Sayed Ramadan , PhD

Please tune in today to your weekly radio program Islam4mankind starting from 1:07 to 2 pm live from radio station Laprimira1220 am station Allah is the Most Generous : Main Points 1. The Oneness of Almighty in His Lordship, Godhood and Attributes. 2. Allah's Attributes are expression of His Greatness and Love. 3. What the Qur'an says about Allah's Attributes. 4. What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the Attributes of Allah, the Almighty God. 5. Allah is the Most Generous as emphasized by the Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) . 6. Manifestations of Allah's Generosity. 7. Our responsibility towards this great Attribute of the Almighty God. ​ Was-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuh Dr. EL SAYED RAMADAN, PhD Lecturer at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Department Of Islamic Studies In English Imam of Masjid Fresno Islamic Center ...

Imam Johari Abdul Malik will be guest speaker next Thursday Radio Islam4mankind

Imam Abdul Malik serves as the director of Community Outreach for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center. He was the first Muslim Chaplain installed at Howard University. The imam is the former chair of Government Relations for the Muslim Alliance in North America [MANA founded by Imam Siraj Wahhaj] and is the founding President of the Muslim Society of Washington, DC Inc. Known nationally for his fundraising efforts for masjids, schools and relief organizations, Imam Johari is a founding member of the Muslim Advocacy Commission of Washington, D.C. and “Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence” [MMADV] and has edited a book on “What Islam Says About Domestic Violence”. In his native Brooklyn community his mother kept the family busy with community service. From an Episcopal choir boy-who visited the deep southern Pentecostal “COGIC” holiness church during his summer vacations as youth-until at confirmation the teachings of the Ten Commandments exposed what he believed were contradictions wit...