Dear imam, activist, community leader, brother or sister: As-salaamu alaykum. Peace be to you, This Muslim Community Safety Kit was developed to better equip you and your community with the knowledge necessary to protect against anti-Muslim bigotry or attacks, and to secure your basic legal rights. In times of difficulty we remind people to depend on God the Almighty with sincere prayers, especially for those who are suffering. To make the best use of this resource kit, we recommend that you read this kit carefully and circulate it to your friends and family. You may want to photocopy relevant portions and post in your local mosque, Islamic center or organization. Feel free to contact CAIR if you have any questions. Excerpts from CAIR Muslim Community Safety Kit Report suspicious activity in your community Muslims must do their part to ensure the safety and security of our nation. If anyone notes suspicious persons or activities in their community, they should report it immedi...
Salam ( Greeting of peace ): Welcome Please feel free to communicate with us and share your thoughts…. We will be posting your contributions to this site seeking those things that in a similar fashion keep us united and together in the pursuance of a better world. Blessings…