Prayer Schedule October / 2011 Date Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha 6 Thu 6:17 7:20 1:13 4:35 7:06 8:10 7 Fri 6:17 7:20 1:13 4:34 7:05 8:09 8 Sat 6:18 7:21 1:13 4:33 7:03 8:08 9 Sun 6:18 7:21 1:13 4:33 7:02 8:07 10 Mon 6:19 7:22 1:12 4:32 7:01 8:06 11 Tue 6:19 7:23 1:12 4:31 7:00 8:05 12 Wed 6:20 7:23 1:12 4:30 6:59 8:04
Salam ( Greeting of peace ): Welcome Please feel free to communicate with us and share your thoughts…. We will be posting your contributions to this site seeking those things that in a similar fashion keep us united and together in the pursuance of a better world. Blessings…