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Showing posts from January 4, 2017

Dr Syed Ramadan will be a guest speaker tomorrow at Islam4mankind radio

Salam greeting of peace all our dear listeners , viewers and readers , tomorrow inchaallah Islam4mankind will be honored to host Dr Syed Ramadan from California he will be calling radio and talking about self-control in Islam : 1. Types of selves 2. The evil consequences of anger  3. The virtues of controlling oneself at the time of anger  4. What are the steps to control oneself   Here is the recorded audio podcast for this show  Episode 2: To listen free via phone ( Radio Laprimira 1220 ) please call free of charge direct Phone Line : (701) 801-3826 Islam4mankind weekly Radio every Thursday  Tune in to : Islam4mankind weekly Radio every Thursday  from 1:05   to 2 pm   live radio show  Islam4mankind hosted by Radio La Primera 1220 am station Islam4mankind  weekly one hour program  every Thursday will be as usual on English / ...