In the late 1980s, a 1.5 kilometer swim, 40 kilometer bike ride and a 10 kilometer run ( 0.9 miles swimming, 24.8 miles of cycling and 6.2 miles of running) was often called "International-Distance Triathlon" because that distance was accepted as the international standard and used at the first Triathlon World . Seriously the taught of doing a Trialaton for the first time could be intimidating, you have to challenge yourself, preapare and put all your trust in your creator who bestow upon us so many blessings among it are health that we should preserve it by first and foremost being thankful to the one who created us . That’s how it feel finishing my first triathlon, it was a great experience Ha ha especially while biking on hillside. On March 16 , 2019 as a preparation for my upcoming Ironman competition I decided to participate on the beautiful Great Clermont event . Rachid’s 1st triathlon ...
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