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When is Ramadan 2019, Why Muslims fast ?
When is Ramadan ?
The moon of Ramadan couldn’t be sighted today Saturday the 4th of May therefore Ramadan will start Inshaa Allah on Monday the 6th of May while Tarweeh will start Sunday the 5th. May Allah accept from all.
“When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
R A M A D A N is on Monday in shaa Allah
What is ramadan ? what's the benefits of Ramadan ? why fast ?
We Muslims fast the month of Ramadaan simply because Allaah has commanded us to do so. Almighty Allah says in surah Baqarah in verse no 183:
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn self-restraint (Taqwa)” (2: 183)
This verse shows that fasting was observed by the people (i.e "ahl-ul kitaab") who came to the scene before the Muslims and so it is a "sunnat Allah" (i.e a tradition approved by Allah) for those who lived aforetime as well as for the Muslims who are now the best generation ever raised for mankind. Fasting is not new to Islam; it is, indeed, as old as Adam(a.s) who was the first creature and the first Muslim to submit to one Allah. No one knows precisely when fasting began among Adam's progenies but it is the practice of all the Prophets of Allah and their followers. Qur'an mentions that Musa(a.s) fasted for 40 days (see 2:51) (this is what the Jews termed "Jewish Passover") and the Prophet(s.a.w) told us that Dawud(a.s) used to fast for half of the year (this involves fasting on every alternate day). 'Issa (a.s) (or Jesus) was also reported to have fasted for 40 days (this is what the christians termed "the Lent", usually observed before Easter festival). Since these Prophets were Muslims, it can be seen that by asking Muslims to fast, Allah intends to draw their attention to the practice and tradition of those pious predecessors who attained piety (in His sight) through fasting.
So we worship Allaah by doing this act of worship which is beloved to Allaah and which He has enjoined upon us. The believers hasten to obey the commands of Allaah and His Messenger (SAW), in obedience to His words.
The Quran says what means:
“It was the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed from on high as a guidance for humanity and a self-evident proof of that guidance, and as the standard by which to discern the true from the false.” (Quran 2:185)
The entire month of Ramadan is in essence a celebration of the Quran’s revelation, which is described as a “Guide and Mercy for those who do good.” (Quran 31:3). Ramadan celebrates God’s Mercy by which He sent a guiding light in the Quran that leads human life towards the path of good and virtue and protects the human soul from evil and vice.
Sawm or Fasting:
" Sawm (fasting) begins with dawn and ends with sunset. Muslims rise before dawn, eat Sahur (pre-dawn meal) and drink an adequate amount of liquids for the preparation of sawm. Eating and drinking stops at dawn. During the day no eating, drinking or sexual activity is allowed. In addition, a Muslim must adhere to the moral code of Islam strictly as failure can violate the requirements of fasting.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is an act of worship required of all Muslims who have attained puberty. Women who are having their menstrual period or who have not fully recovered from childbirth postpone the fast until they are completely out of their given conditions. In addition, those who are ill or on travel may choose to postpone their fast.
Muslims fast because God has commanded them to do so. However, they may also think about the benefits of fasting that include developing control over hunger, thirst and sexual urges, training to be a good moral person and testing sincerity to the Creator. During the fast, Muslims may conduct their business as usual.
The fast is broken immediately after sunset usually by eating dates and drinking water or juice. However, any lawful food or drink may be used to break the fast. This is followed by the Maghrib salah (after sunset prayer) which is followed by a complete meal. After a brief rest, Muslims go to the mosque to offer the ‘Isha salah (night prayer) and then a special night prayer, called taraweeh.
This nightly congregational salah (prayer) is performed after the regular night prayer. Traditionally, a Hafiz of the Quran, - a person who has memorized the whole Quran (in Arabic) - leads the prayer. He recites the Quran in small portions, in proper sequence, every night and completes the recitation of the whole Quran before the end of the month of Ramadan. Every Muslim who attends such prayers regularly gets the opportunity of listening to the recitation of the whole Quran by the end of the month. If a Hafiz of the Quran is not available, the Muslim who has memorized the most in the group leads the prayer and recites according to his ability. Many Islamic scholars cite the Sunnah (path of the Prophet Muhammad) of the Prophet – may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him - that he always prayed during the night alone at his home whether it was Ramadan or not and same was the habit of many of his great companions.
Ramadan Generosity
The month of Ramadan brings many blessings multiplied for those who do good. During this month people are more generous, more cordial, friendlier and more ready than other times of the year to do good deeds. The poor and the needy receive food, clothing and money from the well-off in the community. Many people go to the mosque in the neighborhood for fast-breaking and meals. People in the neighborhood send fruit, food and drinks to the mosque – the atmosphere is that of a friendly dinner every evening of the month.
Well-known contributors of the Muslim community find themselves surrounded by the needy people for donations. Zakat, a wealth purifying alms, and donations are given at this time of the year since many Muslims wish to take the opportunity of multiplied rewards from God. "
the above article is from Islamreligion website
“When My servants ask you about Me, I am close indeed—I hearken to the prayer of the supplicant when one calls on Me; so let them hearken to
Me, and let them believe in Me, that they may go the right way.” (Quran 2:186)
Ramadan Action Plan----Nouman Ali Khan
Here is a clip from Ramadan nightly prayers called taraweeh that Muslims prays.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.” [Al Tirmidhi]
Now let us do more research about fasting , let us check the following :
Researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore have found evidence that fasting for one or two days a week can prevent the effects of Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Research also found that cutting the daily intake to 500 calories a day for two days out of the seven can show clear beneficial effects for the brain.
2. Fasting cuts your risk of heart disease and diabetes:
Regularly going a day without food reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Studies show that fasting releases a significant surge in human growth hormone, which is associated with speeding up metabolism and burning off fat. Shedding fat is known to cut the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Doctors are even starting to consider fasting as a treatment.
3. Fasting effectively treats cancer in human cells:
A study from the scientific journal of aging found that cancer patients who included fasting into their therapy perceived fewer side effects from chemotherapy. All tests conducted so far show that fasting improves survival, slow tumor growth and limit the spread of tumors. The National Institute on Aging has also studied one type of breast cancer in detail to further understand the effects of fasting on cancer. As a result of fasting, the cancer cells tried to make new proteins and took other steps to keep growing and dividing. As a result of these steps, which in turn led to a number of other steps, damaging free radical molecules were created which broke down the cancer cells own DNA and caused their destruction! It’s cellular suicide, the cancer cell is trying to replace all of the stuff missing in the bloodstream that it needs to survive after a period of fasting, but can’t. In turn, it tries to create them and this leads to its own destruction
Again, make sure you do your research before trying this out. Hopefully this can kickstart you further into looking into it if you are truly interested.
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A letter to Jehovah Witness by Rachidm: Dear Jehovah’s Witnesses: I would like to share with you some biblical research based upon my discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses friends. My wife used to be a Jehovah Witness. When we got married, I, as a Muslim told her ; "you have the right to practice your religion". I even offered to give her a ride if needed to the Kingdom hall ( Jehovah Witness place of worship ) . With an open mind, I supported her and told her I would never mind her practicing and preaching her religion. During our first couple years of blessed and happy marriage together, I was privileged to engage with my parents in law (upon their request) in a comparative study between Islam and their beliefs. Although they were discouraged from dialogue since they believe their way is the only correct way, I always enjoyed a good open discussion about religion in general. My Mom in law offered me a copy of the New World Translation ...
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Greetings of peace, This post is an answer to a new friend whom I recently met and respect , a devout Christian passionate about sharing his religion with others , who challenged me to provide some proofs regarding why Muslims don't accept the doctrine of original sin; a doctrine ( including the concept of trinity ) that was added by the Church at the Council of Nicaea some 325 years after Jesus left the earth. Notice I say left the earth ( meaning resurected alive by Allah ) and not died yet or crucify as some claims , but that is a topic for another day. Back to the doctrine of original sin. Are we born with so called Original sin or born innocent ? Is a Newly Born Baby really a Sinner? Islam Challenges The Concept of Original Sin. Let us found out why ? let's take a look at the following passages from The Bible: (Deuteronomy 24:16) “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children...
Please tune in today to your weekly radio program Islam4mankind starting from 1:07 to 2 pm live from radio station Laprimira1220 am station Allah is the Most Generous : Main Points 1. The Oneness of Almighty in His Lordship, Godhood and Attributes. 2. Allah's Attributes are expression of His Greatness and Love. 3. What the Qur'an says about Allah's Attributes. 4. What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the Attributes of Allah, the Almighty God. 5. Allah is the Most Generous as emphasized by the Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) . 6. Manifestations of Allah's Generosity. 7. Our responsibility towards this great Attribute of the Almighty God. Was-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuh Dr. EL SAYED RAMADAN, PhD Lecturer at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Department Of Islamic Studies In English Imam of Masjid Fresno Islamic Center ...
Imam Abdul Malik serves as the director of Community Outreach for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center. He was the first Muslim Chaplain installed at Howard University. The imam is the former chair of Government Relations for the Muslim Alliance in North America [MANA founded by Imam Siraj Wahhaj] and is the founding President of the Muslim Society of Washington, DC Inc. Known nationally for his fundraising efforts for masjids, schools and relief organizations, Imam Johari is a founding member of the Muslim Advocacy Commission of Washington, D.C. and “Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence” [MMADV] and has edited a book on “What Islam Says About Domestic Violence”. In his native Brooklyn community his mother kept the family busy with community service. From an Episcopal choir boy-who visited the deep southern Pentecostal “COGIC” holiness church during his summer vacations as youth-until at confirmation the teachings of the Ten Commandments exposed what he believed were contradictions wit...