Islam4mankind was honored to host two women muslim leaders from United Muslim Foundation ( ) and from helping hand ( )
To all women that want to get involved in building communities and be of service to humanity please visit the following links :
You may also listen or watch live by visiting the following link every Thursday from 1:05 too 2 pm
Islam4mankind weekly one hour program every Thursday will be as usual on English / Spanish / Arabic , you may call ( 407 343 6001 ) to ask questions on any of these respected languages of your choice.
Tune in today to your favorite weekly radio program Islam4mankind that will broadcast live from Radio station 1220am from 1:07 to 2 pm.
People of different faiths or no faith are welcome to call 407 343 6001 to participate live on the show , we ask our dear callers to be respectful to both the audience and all faiths , thanks.
En Vivo :::La Magica 1220 AM, Siempre en el corazon del pueblo, Emisora Cristiana por Internet, Pred
Radio Emisora On line La Magica 1220 AM originada desde Kissimmee - Orlando en La Florida, USA. La emisora que Siempre esta en el Corazón del Pueblo. Bienvenidos.La Magica 1220 AM. En Vivo.
Islam4mankind weekly one hour program every Thursday will be as usual on English / Spanish / Arabic , you may call ( 407 343 6001 ) to ask questions on any of these respected languages of your choice.
Tune in today to your favorite weekly radio program Islam4mankind that will broadcast live from Radio station 1220am from 1:07 to 2 pm.
People of different faiths or no faith are welcome to call 407 343 6001 to participate live on the show , we ask our dear callers to be respectful to both the audience and all faiths , thanks.
En Vivo :::La Magica 1220 AM, Siempre en el corazon del pueblo, Emisora Cristiana por Internet, Pred
Radio Emisora On line La Magica 1220 AM originada desde Kissimmee - Orlando en La Florida, USA. La emisora que Siempre esta en el Corazón del Pueblo. Bienvenidos.La Magica 1220 AM. En Vivo.
In the midst of the darkness that engulfed the world prior to the last and final message and revelation , the divine revelation Quran echoed in the wide desert of Arabia in the seventh Century with a fresh, noble, and universal message to humanity.
Inspired By Muhammad - Social Justice - Myriam Francois Cerrah
Inspired By Muhammad - Women's Rights - Sultana Tafadar
Palestinian girl, the youngest doctor in the World
Eqbal Asa’d is a Palestinian Muslim woman who was set by the Guinness World Records as the youngest doctor in the World
World Bulletin/News Desk
When someone enrolls in the medicine school that one of the longest schooling required profession, by the time they finish school they will be around 30-or at least on their late 20s. But not for this girl; Eqbal Asa’d is a Palestinian Muslim woman that started the Medicine school when she was just 14 years old, '' reports.
When someone enrolls in the medicine school that one of the longest schooling required profession, by the time they finish school they will be around 30-or at least on their late 20s. But not for this girl; Eqbal Asa’d is a Palestinian Muslim woman that started the Medicine school when she was just 14 years old, '' reports.
Asa'd got her Bachelor degree in Medicine with Honors and and was set by the Guinness World Records as the youngest doctor in the World, according to the report.
She has been signed to go to Ohio, U.S to continue her education even further and become a Pediatrician.
The name Fatima Al-Fihri crowns the annals of history with the distinction of having established the world’s very first university. Yes, it was a Muslim woman who pioneered a model of higher learning coupled with the issuance of degrees of various levels.
Fatima Al-Fihri
After much toil and struggle in humble beginnings, the family of Fatima was eventually blessed with prosperity. Her father, Mohammad bin Abdullah Al-Fihri, had become a hugely successful businessman. After the deaths of Fatima’s husband, father, and brother in short succession, Fatima and her only other sibling, Mariam, received a sizable inheritance which assured their financial independence. It was in this latter period of their lives that they distinguished themselves. Having received a good education, the sisters in turn hastened to dedicate all of their wealth to benefiting their community. Observing that the local mosques in Fez could not accommodate the growing population of worshipers, many of whom were refugees from Islamic Spain, Mariam built the breathtaking and grand Andalusian Mosque in 245AH/859CE.
(1) According to the Holy Quran, men and women have the same human spiritual nature:
(2) God has invested both genders with inherent dignity and has made men and women, collectively, the trustees of God on earth (see the Quran 17:70 and 2:30).
(3) The Quran does not blame woman for the “fall of man,” nor does it view pregnancy and childbirth as punishments for “eating from the forbidden tree.” On the contrary, the Quran depicts Adam and Eve as equally responsible for their sin in the Garden, never singling out Eve for blame. Both repented, and both were forgiven (see the Quran 2:36-37 and 7:19-27). In fact, in one verse (Quran 20:121) Adam specifically was blamed. The Quran also esteems pregnancy and childbirth as sufficient reasons for the love and respect due to mothers from their children (Quran 31:14 and 46:15).
(4) Men and women have the same religious and moral duties and responsibilities. Each human being shall face the consequences of his or her deeds:
(5) The Quran is quite clear about the issue of the claimed superiority or inferiority of any human, male or female. The sole basis for superiority of any person over another is piety and righteousness not gender, color, or nationality (see the Quran 49:13).