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Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Every nation has a right to defend itself, but I do not believe israel has the right to violate international law & humanitarian law, and I do not believe Israel has the right to kill innocent women and children. And unfortunately that is exactly what they are doing now. " by Hassan Shibley Executive Director of Cair Tampa.

 " My fellow taxpayers here is a video that your TV will never stream. See if you agree with what we paid for. Don't refuse to witness. It is all true. Then decide whether you should do something peaceful and proactive to stop it. " by Sister Danette an American Muslim Lawyer that cares about human rights.

"Judaism doesn't support Zionism. In solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters." No religion will support an ideology that is based on illegal occupation, apartheid, and discrimination. God bless

We all know that no one would dare criticize the brutality of  the Zionist Israeli regime  ( for fear of being labeled  anti-Semitism)  even righteous Rabbis and Jewish peace activist are labeled as such when they speak the truth . The  criminals of the ongoing war on civilians, be it on middle East or Syria or any region of the world   do not speak for our beloved Jewish neighbors and friends similarly the same goes with Syrian criminal ruler who is violating every human rights same goes with Hitler and the list goes on .

Let us all be a voice for justice, peace and mercy , let us exercise our true freedom of expression in speaking the truth and not be intimidated by propaganda and injustice.

Please forgive us if the truth  and reality of the above facts may not please the tyrants . May Allah save us from their tyranny and cruel behavior , may Allah give us  the strength to forgive , the courage to promote peace , the wisdom to love those who hates us and to be just even to those who do injustice to us. The truth is always clear from falsehood. Life is way too short soon every soul shall taste death save the creator . We will be definitely be questioned about every single action even the intention behind it therefore let us all seize the time before our time expire to restore peace and stop blaming others . Each and every one of us within his power to contribute in the peace process , to be more respectful of others ...

Please visit this Jewish for peace Facebook page for more info about how peace can be achieved seeking peace not conflict ;

 Prophet of mercy Muhammad may peace and blessing be upon him  commanded the following uncompromising rules of war:
O people! I charge you with ten rules; learn them well…for your guidance in the battlefield! Do not commit treachery, or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.

" There is a huge cry these days by certain groups claiming that the Quran is anti-Semitic, even leading to certain of its translations being banned in various school districts in the United States of America.[1]  We read about the definition of anti-Semitism in the Jewish Encyclopedia:
“The term ‘Anti-Semitism’ has its origin in the ethnological theory that the Jews, as Semites, are entirely different from the Aryan, or Indo-European, populations and can never be amalgamated with them.  The word implies that the Jews are not opposed on account of their religion, but on account of their racial characteristics.”[2]
One will immediately realize from this statement that the Quran is not at all anti-Semitic, and that the verses which do reprimand the Jews are specific to certain transgressions they made in regards to their religion, and not in regard to their racial origin.

Who are the Semites?

Biblically, the most general designation of the Semites are all the descendants of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah, either the first or the last in conflicting opinions of biblical scholars, but always the first mentioned.[3] It was in the house of Shem were the Shekinah[4]  was to dwell, and he is singled out with much other praise and blessings in the Bible. “…it is clear that, according to the Biblical classification, the Arabs, Babylonians, Assyrians, Arameans, and Hebrews were regarded as Semites, or the descendants of Shem.”[5]  Modern scholars, placing greater emphasis on language derivation, include Abyssinians, Phenicians, Canaanites, Hebrews, Moabites, and Edomites to those mentioned before.
In whichever context we discuss the subjects, the Arabs, like the Hebrews (and thus Jews), are clearly Semites as well.  Thus to say that the Quran is anti-Semitic is to say that the Quran makes the entire Semitic race inferior others, and that would include Arabs as well, something improbable as God favored both these nations with Prophets.
In rabbinical texts of the Jews, the priesthood of Shem is transferred to Abraham, and it is from this transference of priesthood that the Jews take themselves to be the chosen people and claim ownership of the lands of Canaan, in which lies present day Palestine.  As they claim the Shekinah to have transferred to Abraham and his progeny, specifically Isaac, and thus the Semitic preference of God is specific to them, and more specifically the Israelites, the progeny of Israel, also known as Isaac, son of Abraham.

The Semites, “A Chosen People”

Rather than rendering the Israelites as being an inferior race, the Quran affirms their favorable position amongst humanity.  This is due to the immense sacrifices of Abraham and his invocations to God to make prophets from his progeny that God had chosen his children as the receptacles of Prophecy.  Abraham called to his Lord:
“And We bestowed upon him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, each of them We guided, and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron.  Thus do We reward the good doers.  And Zachariah, and John and Jesus and Elias, each one of them was of the righteous.  And Ishmael and Elisha, and Jonah and Lot, and each one of them We preferred above all the worlds.  And also some of their fathers and their progeny and their brethren, We chose them, and We guided them to a Straight Path.  This is the Guidance of God with which He guides whomsoever He will of His slaves.  But if they had joined in worship others with God, all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them.  They are those whom We gave the Book, the Understanding, and Prophethood…” (Quran 6:83-87)
The Israelites are a chosen people, because God chose to raise prophets amongst them.  The Quran in numerous places recognizes this favor and reminds the Israelites of it.
“O Children of Israel (the Israelites), remember and mention the favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I favored you amongst all the worlds.” (Quran 2:47, 2:122)
“And indeed We gave the Children of Israel (the Israelites) the Scripture, and the understanding of the Scripture and its laws, and the Prophethood; and provided them with good things, and preferred them above all the worlds.” (Quran 45:16)
God favored them with numerous blessings in addition to the Prophets, such as providing them heavenly food, called manna and salwaa.[6]
“O Children of Israel (the Israelites)!  We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a covenant with you on the right side of the Mount, and We sent down to you Manna and quails (salwaa).” (Quran 20:80)
God saved them from the savagery of Pharaoh by sending to them Moses, who led  them across the Red Sea to inhabit the “Blessed Land” of Canaan.
“And We made the people who were considered weak to inherit the eastern parts of the land and the western parts thereof which We have blessed.  And the fair Word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel (the Israelites), because of their endurance.  And We destroyed completely all the great works and buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected.” (Quran 7:137)
This preference given to the Israelites was not on account of their racial superiority, as mentioned earlier, but rather due to the great sacrifices of Abraham and his supplications which God answered, and this preference was given to the Israelites as long as they kept to their covenant which God made with them.
“Indeed God took the covenant from the Children of Israel (Jews), and We appointed twelve leaders among them.  And God said: “I am with you if you establish the prayer and offer the Zakat (compulsory charity) and believe in My Messengers; honor and assist them, and lend to God a good loan.  Verily, I will remit your sins and admit you to Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise).  But if any of you after this, disbelieved, he has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path.” (Quran 5:12)

[1] CAIR distributes Quran banned as anti-Semitic.  By Art Moore © 2005  (
[2] Anti-Semitism. Gotthard Deutsch.  The Jewish Encyclopedia(
[3] Shem. Emil G. Hirsch, Ira Maurice Price, Wilhelm Bacher, M. Seligsohn.  The Jewish Encyclopedia (
[4] A word denoting the “presence of God”, about which Biblical scholars have differed much over its exact reality.  Shekinah. Kaufmann Kohler, Ludwig Blau. The Jewish Encyclopedia (
[5] Anti-Semitism. Gotthard Deutsch.  The Jewish Encyclopedia (
[6] Also in Exodus 16.
Parts of This Article
Is the Quran Anti-Semitic? (part 1 of 2): The Semites, a Chosen People
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Back to the issue of Israel and Palestine recent or ongoing conflict based on many misconceptions and propaganda . We all need to do an honest and objective analysis of the the root cause of the problem :

Let us read a representative   from the Council of American-Islamic Relation ( CAIR ) 
comment about Gaza

 " We do condemn the indiscriminate targeting of civilians, be it from rockets from Gaza, or missiles from Israel. But its unfortunate that our own government does not. Our government has decided to take sides for political expediency and condemned attacks against israeli civilians, while approving attacks against Palestinian civilians. That is unacceptable. 
Let us pray that future generations will bring back peace to the middle east . Let us all put our differences aside and teach our children the power of love and forgiveness rather than hate and vengeance. 

It is written in the Qur’an, “Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world.” It is written in the Talmud, “If you save one life, it is as if you have saved the world.”

Despite the ongoing Israeli attack on civilians and children's , Palestinians bravely prays the nightly recommanded prayers ( Tarawih ) during the blessed month of Ramadan. Nothing will stop a true believer from peacefully praying to his creator despite the illegal genocide and aparteid  war against Palestinians . May Allah protect them from their enemies and restore peace in the holly land and worldwide. Never undersetimate the power of prayer

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