Do You Have Questions About Islam?
Here are three options to learn more: (1) The Islamic Center of Orlando is sponsoring an open house at 6:30 pm every Wednesday night to answer the public’s questions about the Islamic faith. And it’s being done in a relaxed and casual setting “over a cup of coffee.” They’re even providing the coffee! The question-and-answer events will be held in the dining room of the Muslim Academy of Orlando (MAGO), situated at11551 Ruby Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32836 (just off Apopka-Vineland Road, near Lake Buena Vista). For more detail or to make a reservation, phone 407-495-6139. (2) Every Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Islamic Society of Central Florida’s Center for Peace (1021 North Goldenrod Road, Orlando, Florida 32807) you can learn about Islam and Muslims from Muslims. The sessions include in-depth discussions, film presentations, field trips and much more. The goal is to help build a community based on acceptance and respect. Register here. For more detail, phone 407-273-8363. (3) On the fourth Saturday of every month, the Islamic Society of Central Florida hosts an “Open House Invitational” at which you can learn about Islam and the Muslim community from the Muslims themselves. The event Includes a presentation, a question-and-answer time, an international dinner, a tour of the mosque, and more. The event is conducted at the Center for Peace at the headquarters of the Islamic Society of Central Florida (1021 North Goldenrod Road, Orlando, Florida 32807). A tour of the mosque will be conducted at 5:30 pm, followed by the rest of the program. Register at Eventbrite. The next two invitationals are February 22 and March 22.
You may also tune in to listen live to :
You may also tune in to listen live to :
Islam4mankind weekly Radio every Thursday
Islam4mankind weekly one hour program every Thursday will be as usual on English / Spanish / Arabic , you may call ( 407 343 6001 ) to ask questions on any of these respected languages of your choice.
Tune in today to your favorite weekly radio program Islam4mankind that will broadcast live from Radio station 1220am from 1:07 to 2 pm.
People of different faiths or no faith are welcome to call 407 343 6001 to participate live on the show , we ask our dear callers to be respectful to both the audience and all faiths , thanks.
En Vivo :::La Magica 1220 AM, Siempre en el corazon del pueblo, Emisora Cristiana por Internet, Pred
Radio Emisora On line La Magica 1220 AM originada desde Kissimmee - Orlando en La Florida, USA. La emisora que Siempre esta en el Corazón del Pueblo. Bienvenidos.La Magica 1220 AM. En Vivo.
Islam4mankind weekly one hour program every Thursday will be as usual on English / Spanish / Arabic , you may call ( 407 343 6001 ) to ask questions on any of these respected languages of your choice.
Tune in today to your favorite weekly radio program Islam4mankind that will broadcast live from Radio station 1220am from 1:07 to 2 pm.
People of different faiths or no faith are welcome to call 407 343 6001 to participate live on the show , we ask our dear callers to be respectful to both the audience and all faiths , thanks.
En Vivo :::La Magica 1220 AM, Siempre en el corazon del pueblo, Emisora Cristiana por Internet, Pred
Radio Emisora On line La Magica 1220 AM originada desde Kissimmee - Orlando en La Florida, USA. La emisora que Siempre esta en el Corazón del Pueblo. Bienvenidos.La Magica 1220 AM. En Vivo.