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Media Advisory: CAIR Reps Nationwide Say Terror Defined by Act, Not Faith or Ethnicity


CAIR: U.S. Muslim Leaders to React to Boston Bombing Developments

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/19/13) –- Leaders from the national and Washington-area Muslim community will hold a noon news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to offer reaction to ongoing developments in the Boston Marathon bombings, including the naming of suspects who are apparently Muslim.

WHAT: American Muslim News Conference on Developments in Boston Marathon Bombings
WHEN: Friday, April 19, Noon (Eastern)
WHERE: Lisagor Room, National Press Club, 13th Floor, National Press Building, 529 14th Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:
"We must remain united as a nation as we face those who would carry out such heinous and inexcusable crimes," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "We thank local, state and national law enforcement authorities for their diligence in bringing the perpetrators to justice and offer condolences to the loved ones of the officers killed and injured in efforts to detain the suspects."

Awad reiterated the American Muslim community's consistent condemnation of terrorism in all its forms.

SEE: CAIR's Condemnation of Terrorism

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END –

CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:

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CAIR’s Condemnation of Terrorism

CAIR's Condemnation of Terrorism

June 2011
CAIR issued 84 releases in which we specifically condemn terrorism during the period from 1994-2008. The organization's formula on terrorism is simple and comprehensive: CAIR condemns terrorism whenever it happens, wherever it happens, whoever commits it.
CAIR is a natural enemy of violent extremists. Our positive track record of success fully discredits their arguments that minorities cannot receive fair treatment in our nation.
CAIR has condemned specific terrorist actions against Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Americans, Spaniards, Turks, Israelis, Saudis, Russians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Iraqis, British, and others.
CAIR has condemned specific terrorist groups by name. As a single example, on 3/11/2009, the fifth anniversary of the tragic Madrid attacks, CAIR issued a statement saying, "We unequivocally condemn all acts of terrorism, whether carried out by Al-Qaeda, the Real IRA, FARC, Hamas, ETA, or any other group designated by the U.S. Department of State as a "'Foreign Terrorist Organization'." Condemnations have included state actors, as well as other groups like the Jewish Defense League, Islamic Jihad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Kahane Chai and the Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and the Sabotage Battalion of the Chechen Martyrs group.
CAIR is an advocacy group and thus takes position on issues of importance to our nation. Sometimes such stances are unpopular, but necessary. For example, CAIR spoke out against torture and detainee abuse when majority public opinion was not in favor of our position. We do not expect everyone to agree with all our positions but we, like every other American, exercise our freedom to express our views free from any fear of being ostracized, marginalized, smeared or threatened.
All date references in this document are from publicly issued CAIR statements. This document is only illustrative, not exhaustive.

CAIR's Condemnation of Terror Predates 9/11

Here is one example. The section at the end of this document provides additional examples. On 12/20/1999, CAIR made the following statements in the wake of the arrest of an Algerian man who was allegedly trying to smuggle bomb-making materials into the United States from Canada:
  • "American Muslims condemn terrorism in all its forms."
  • "The possibility that a Muslim could be involved in such an attack in the United States ... is a cause of distress and apprehension for our community."
  • "It therefore must be clearly stated that any Muslim who plans, attempts or carries out a terrorist attack would be acting outside the boundaries of his or her faith and would be repudiated and condemned by our community."
  • "American Muslims would urge that any such individuals be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

CAIR Repudiates Violent Extremism

In January 2009, the United States Institute of Peace acknowledged CAIR's vigorous condemnation of violence committed in the name of Islam in its report "Islamic Peacemaking Since 9/11." Some examples of repudiation of violent extremism include:
  • Elimination of Osama bin Laden (5/2/2011) - "We join our fellow citizens in welcoming the announcement that Osama bin Laden has been eliminated as a threat to our nation and the world through the actions of American military personnel. As we have stated repeatedly since the 9/11 terror attacks, bin Laden never represented Muslims or Islam."
  • New York's Times Square Bomb Incident (5/4/2010) - "On behalf of the American Muslim community, we condemn the attack in Times Square and thank all those who reported their suspicions, disarmed the bomb or are participating in the current investigation. We welcome the arrest of a suspect and hope that anyone involved in the attack will be apprehended and prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
  • Fort Hood, Texas Murders - CNN's Anderson Cooper reported that CAIR "reacted to the shooting spree, condemning the attack in the strongest terms possible." On MSNBC's Hardball, Chris Matthews noted that CAIR was "quick to condemn the massacre." (Transcript, MSNBC: Hardball, 11/6/2009)
  • Anwar al-Awlaki (3/18/2010 and 11/9/2009) - "There is no contradiction between being a Muslim and being an American. We repudiate Anwar al-Awlaki's call for attacks on our nation and urge anyone who may be swayed by his extremist views to instead seek out scholars and community leaders who can offer a mainstream perspective on the positive role Muslims are obligated to play in every society." CAIR also said, "The twisted and misguided views in Anwar al-Awlaki's posting are not those of American Muslims and do not reflect mainstream Islamic beliefs or sentiments."
  • The Congressional Research Service (CRS) in its report American Jihadist Terrorism: Combating a Complex Threat, relates two instances of CAIR working with authorities regarding persons of concern:
    • Irvine, CA man talks of plan for a terrorist attack (2006) - "Posing as a new convert, Monteilh arrived at the Irvine Islamic Center in 2006 wearing robes and a long beard, using the name Farouk al-Aziz. Monteilh had a criminal record that included serving 16 months in state prison on two grand theft charges. Members of the Islamic Center of Irvine were reportedly alarmed about Monteilh and his talk of jihad and plans for a terrorist attack. The local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations reported him to the Irvine police and obtained a three-year restraining order against him." [Note: It was later revealed the Monteilh was an FBI informant.]
    • Five Alexandria, VA men disappear (2010) - "The story of the five men from the Alexandria, VA area...became public when the Council on American-Islamic Relations got their families in touch with the FBI after the five left the United States without telling their families." (Note: After hearing the families' concerns, Naeem M. Baig of the Islamic Circle of North America, ICNA, contacted CAIR.)
  • Two additional cases illustrate where CAIR stands on reporting suspicious activity:
    • "A secret training session on the use of firearms" (2005) - CAIR reported a letter to the FBI which described an individual claiming to represent a group of 300 who alleged to be "receiving a secret training session on the use of firearms" and planned to "send some volunteers to Iraq, Palestine and Israel, under the guise of going for an Islamic conference."
    • Dearborn, MI man seeking opinions of Taliban and expressing desire to travel to Pakistan (2009) - The President of the American Moslem Society Mosque in Dearborn contacted CAIR-Michigan to report a white male convert who was approaching youth during their Friday night gatherings. The convert would inquire if the attendees thought the Taliban was good and how he could travel to Pakistan. CAIR-Michigan informed the FBI who investigated and picked up the man in question.
  • Finally, CAIR calls upon the civic responsibilities of all members of the American Muslim community. CAIR features in its Know Your Rights Pocket Guide: Your Rights and Responsibilities as an American Muslim the following language: "If you know of any criminal activity taking place in your community, it is both your religious and civic duty to immediately report such activity to local and federal law enforcement agencies."


Condemnations Supported by Positive Action

  • Sends Delegation to Baghdad to Appeal for the Freedom of a Captured American Journalist - CAIR sent two of its senior staff to appeal for the release of kidnapped American journalist Jill Carroll (1/18/2006).
  • CAIR uses the international prestige earned through its domestic programs to make humanitarian appeals - In 2009, CAIR officials went to the UN in New York and hand-delivered a letter to Iranian President Ahmedinajad requesting that he release three American hikers detained by that nation. Also at that meeting, CAIR delivered a letter to the Iranian leader from the family of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who has been missing in Iran since 2007. Similarly, in 2009, CAIR staff spoke directly to the Iranian President urging him to release journalist Roxana Saberi.
  • CAIR Condemns 9/11 Hours After the WTC Is Hit - On September 11th, 2001 CAIR issued a statement that read, in part: "American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians."
  • CAIR Publishes Full Page Ad in Washington Post - The above message was published in a full page ad in the Washington Post on September 16th.
  • CAIR Launches on-line Petition - In 2004 CAIR's "Not in the Name of Islam" petition declares that the terrorists are, "betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent." By August 2006 nearly 700,000 individuals and organizations endorsed the petition.
  • CAIR Launches Public Service Announcements - An ad campaign in 2003 and a Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign launched in 2005 also project this anti-terror message. Over 6.5 million people viewed these messages.
  • CAIR Coordinates anti-terror Fatwa - CAIR coordinated a fatwa, or Islamic religious ruling, against terrorism in 2005. The fatwa was issued by the Fiqh Council of North America and endorsed by more than 340 American Muslim organizations, mosques and imams. Among the statements in the fatwa are the following:
    • "Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives."
    • "Targeting civilians' life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram--or forbidden--and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not martyrs."
    • " It is haram (forbidden) for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or violence."
  • CAIR Appeals to Mosque Leaders to Send Anti-Terrorism Messages - CAIR Called on American Muslim religious leaders to dedicate their Friday sermons to "... condemn terrorism and promote peace and interfaith harmony" (6/07/2005). Following a series of bombings in Spain that left almost 200 people dead, CAIR called on prayer leaders, or Imams, in mosques across America and the Muslim world to use sermons at Friday congregational prayers (Jumah) to convey the message that terrorists are destroying the image of their faith (3/13/2004).

The long record of CAIR's persistent and consistent condemnation of terrorism and other forms of sectarian and political violence includes: (incidents other than those covered above)
CAIR Condemned...
CAIR Condemned...
1/3/1997Letter bombs sent to the Al-Hayat offices in DC10/30/2005Terror attacks in India
8/7/1998The bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania11/9/2005Terror attacks in Jordan
8/10/1999Attacks on a California Jewish Center2/9/2006Terror attacks on Shia Muslims
12/2/2001Terror attacks in Jerusalem and Haifa2/20/2006Terror attacks on a Nigerian church
3/17/2002Terror attacks on a Pakistani church4/24/2006Terror attacks in Egypt
3/28/2002Terror attacks in Netanya7/11/2006Terror attacks in India
3/28/2002Terror attacks on Jewish Passover celebrations7/28/2006Attacks on a Seattle Jewish Center
7/23/2002Terror attacks in Gaza7/11/2006Mumbai Bombing
12/30/2002The slaying of American medical personnel in Yemen8/10/2006Plot to blow up ten airplanes in route to the United States
3/4/2003Terror attacks in Philippines9/11/2006Rhetoric and world view of Al-Qaeda
5/13/2003Terror attacks in Riyadh12/8/2006Alleged planned mall bombing
7/5/2003Terror attacks on a Pakistani Mosque12/21/2006Threat against peace activist
10/4/2003Terror attacks in Haifa3/6/2007Attacks on Iraqi pilgrims
10/15/2003An attack on an American diplomatic convoy in Gaza4/5/07Desecration of Chicago synagogue
11/20/2003Terror attacks in Istanbul5/25/2007India bombing
3/2/2004Terror attacks in Spain6/13/2007Samarra mosque bombing
3/2/2004Terror attacks on Shia Muslims9/11/2007Bin Laden's praise for 9/11 hijacker
3/31/2004The mutilation of American civilian contractors in Iraq2/21/2008Attack on U.S. Embassy in Serbia
5/11/2004Beheadings in Iraq11/27/2008Mumbai Attacks
6/18/2004Beheadings in Iraq4/29/2009Terrorism and piracy in Somalia
6/18/2004The murder of an American in Saudi Arabia3/18/2010Anwar Al-Awlaki's call for attacks on U.S.
8/1/2004Terror attacks on an Iraqi church3/29/2010Hutaree Militia plan to kill U.S. police officers
9/7/2004Terror attacks in Russia3/29/2010Attacks on Moscow subway
9/21/2004Beheadings in Iraq5/5/2010Times Square bomb threat
10/8/2004The killing of British hostages in Iraq9/22/2010Vandalism of Chicago synagogue
11/17/2004The killing of British hostages in Iraq10/30/2010Yemeni attempt to bomb Chicago synagogues
7/7/2005Terror attacks in Great Britain11/10/2010Massacre at Assyrian Church in Iran
7/24/2005Terror attacks in Egypt
8/4/2005Terror attacks in Shfaram


CAIR's position is clear. Any action that harms innocent civilians is reprehensible. Dialogue and diplomacy ought to be the way to overcome conflicts. CAIR represents its constituents, clients and supporters through exclusively peaceful and democratic means. Objective people who are familiar with our work know that we expend enormous amounts of legal and advocacy energy defending constitutional principles, particularly the Bill of Rights.
The unfortunate reality is that the loudest voices attempting to smear American Muslims and CAIR by hurling empty labels lack any similarly strong record of condemning atrocities. It is time for people of conscience to repudiate this culture of demonizing minority groups by using the worst forms of stereotype and guilt by association.
The way forward is to address the major factors that contribute to terrorism, without justifying it. Several scholarly works suggest that religion (Islam) is not the cause of terrorism. Dr. Robert Pape author of Dying to Win and Cutting the Fuse, reports, "The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland ... suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation and not Islamic fundamentalism."
There is no denying that people of vile intent covet the opportunity to recruit Americans to their mindset, pull them away from the straight path and seduce them into opting for violent extremism. There is also no denying that--excepting a tiny minority--violent extremists have not found fertile ground in America. Many individuals and institutions--including law enforcement, homeland security personnel, and the leaders and members of the American Muslim community--deserve a share of the credit for this.
Note: The religious basis for opposition to apostasy laws is included in the "Where CAIR stands on important issues" section found on the "Who We Are" page at

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