Charity, preached by every religion of the world, is a way of bringing justice to society. And justice is the essence of religion, Islam has therefore made charity that is Zakah, obligatory and binding upon all those who embrace the faith; it has been made into an institution in order to give in permanence and regularity.
The Qur'an states: 'And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity;
whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with
Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do' (2:110). Charity is
central to a Muslim's life.
The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person, said Prophet Muhammad (SAS).
He also said "No wealth (of a servant of Allah) is decreased because of
charity." (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 2247).
The Qur'an lays stress on the believers to care for the needy, the
orphans, the destitute and the unfortunate members of the society.
'The believers ... are steadfast in prayers, and in whose wealth there
is a right acknowledged, for the poor and the destitute. (Qur'an 70:22-24).
There is no limit on Sadaqah. Prophet of Allah (SAS) said, 'your smile
for your brother is Sadaqah. Your removal of stones, thorns or bones
from the paths of people is Sadaqah. Your guidance of a person who is
lost is Sadaqah.' (Related by Bukhari from Ibn Hibban's Sahih).
"I and the caretaker of the orphan will enter Paradise together like
this, raising (by way of illustration) his forefinger and middle finger jointly,
leaving no space in between." [Saheeh al-Bukhaari]
Your compassion and generosity can make a difference in the lives of
thousands of peoples around the world! Help bring a smile to your orphan
brothers and sisters.
Helping Hand is bringing a good Muslim Family entertainment program to Orlando featuring "Baba Ali" and all proceed from the program will be used for HHRD orphan program in Africa.
Alhumdullillahae, Allah has blessed every one of us reading this blog ( Islam4mankind ) by providing us with the opportunity to be part of work of khair that is most beloved to our Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). Please have an announcement made in your masjid for this event and also, please forward this important event in your network, JAK .
You may use all social media such as Facebook , Tweeter promote events that benefit humanity.
Program Information
What: "Orphan Aid for Africa" with Standup Comedians Baba Ali & Aman Aliand Motivational Speaker Sheikh Monzer Taleb
Ticket: Program ticket price $10/Person. Tickets are available online at as well as on APNA Bazar (OBT & Longwood). Food: Food will be available to purchase at the event When: 1/28/12, Sharp start at 7:00 PM Where: Freedom High School Auditorium, 2500 West Taft Vineland Road Orlando, FL 32837 |
For more info please contact:
-Syed Muhammad Yousuf
Helping Hand For Relief and Development
South East Region Coordinator
Office Address: 1650 Tropic Park Dr, Sanford, FL 32773
Office #: 407-574-3738
Fax#: 407-574-6338
Cell #:407-431-5396