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From AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion by my dear friend who passed away DR. Iftikar Mehar

Allah chose Adam and Nuh, the family of Ibrahim and the family of Imran above all people. Offspring, one of the other, and Allah hears and knows all things. Behold! A woman of Imran said, “O my Lord! I do dedicate to you what is in my womb for Your special service. So accept this of me, for You hear and know all things.” When she was delivered, she said, “O my Lord! Behold I am delivered of a female child!” And Allah knew best what she brought forth. “And no wise is the male like the female. I have named her Maryam, and I commend her and offspring to Your protection from the Evil One, and the Rejected.” Right graciously did her Lord accept her: He made her grow in purity and beauty, she was assigned to the care of Zikariah. Every time that he entered her chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said, “O Maryam! From where does this come to you?” She said, “From Allah, for Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases, without measure.”
(Quran: 3/33-37)
During the lifetime of Prophet Zikariah (AS), a pious, childless couple was living in Nazareth. The woman was Hannah, a niece of Prophet Zikariah (AS), who was the wife of Imran. Imran was a leader among the children of the Israelites. Hannah prayed hard to Allah (SWT) for a child of her own. She pledged that any child granted to her would be offered in the service of Allah’s (SWT) house in Jerusalem. Hannah never lost patience or confidence that Allah (SWT) would bless her with a child upon whom she would shower all her motherly love. Allah (SWT) Granted her request. When Hannah learned that she was pregnant, both she and her husband, Imran, offered prayers of thanks to Allah (SWT) and distributed food among their poor neighbors. Unfortunately, Imran did not live long enough to see the birth of his long sought child! Hannah delivered the child, which was a female. The child was named Maryam.
Hannah found it difficult to live by her promise of handing over her child in the service of Allah (SWT). The temple of Jerusalem did not accept females for service. Her relative, Prophet Zikariah (AS), counseled her and told her that Allah (SWT) knew what had been delivered and it was His design! Hannah was advised to wrap the baby and hand her over to the elders in the temple. It was a female baby, yet it was the child of their favorite and beloved leader, Imran. Hence, no objections were raised. In addition, Prophet Zikariah (AS) said, “I am the husband of her maternal aunt and her nearest relative in this temple!” and resolved the issue of her guardianship.
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion
A secluded room was built exclusively for Maryam’s residence. Prophet Zikariah (AS) visited her daily and observed that Maryam spent most of her time worshipping Allah (SWT). As she grew in stature, so did her devotion to Allah (SWT).
This progress pleased Prophet Zikariah (AS). Once Prophet Zikariah (AS) observed a strange fruit in the secluded room of Maryam, and asked her what the fruit was and who brought it to her. Maryam explained that every morning when she awakens, she finds some types of fruits or other foods in her room although all the doors and windows are locked from inside. She knew that these provisions were from Allah (SWT). He gives to whom He wills!
Prophet Zikariah (AS) realized that Allah (SWT) had Designed to raise the status of Maryam above that of other women. He increased his visitations with her and spent more time teaching and guiding her to glorify Allah (SWT) and stay on the righteous path.
Once, when Maryam was praying in her secluded room, an angel in the form of a man appeared before her. Terror and fear gripped her and she tried to flee, praying, and cautioning the intruder not to approach her as she was under the protection of Allah (SWT). The angel reassured her of her safety and told her that he was only a messenger in the service of Allah (SWT). He had come to give her glad tidings of a holy son. This news astonished her and she asked how this could be possible when no man has ever come close to her. The angel replied that Allah (SWT) had all the powers to design whatever He willed. All Allah (SWT) had to Say was “Be,” and what He willed became real.

She placed a screen between herself and them, then We sent to her Our Angel, and he appeared, before her as a man in all respects. She said, “I seek refuge from you by Allah Most Gracious. Do not come near me if you fear Allah.” He said, “Nay, I am only a messenger from your Lord, to announce to you the gift of a holy son.” She said, “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?” He said, “So it will be; your Lord says, “That is easy for Me. And We wish to appoint him a Sign to men and a Mercy from Us: it is a matter so decreed.”
(Quran: 19/17-21)

The Angel’s visit and the Decree of Allah (SWT) caused Maryam a great anxiety. With the passage of time, her anxiety increased. The possibilities of abuses and accusations being leveled and addressed to her gave her unimaginable nightmares. Sometimes she thought that the entire experience was only a nightmare which she had merely imagined!
Later, when she felt the life kicking inside her, she knew that the revelations made by the angel were true. With a heavy heart, she left the temple and went back to Nazareth, the city where she had been born. She entered and stayed in a simple barn house to avoid any undue contact with the public. She was tormented with the main worry as to how she should reply to the numerous questions and slanders that people would level at her. After all, she was the child of a noble family. Her father had never been known to have any evil tendency and her mother was never an impure woman. She knew that being alone to face the tremendous challenge was not a light issue. She left the barn and wandered about aimlessly. Her womb was getting bigger and heavier.
She had not gone very far from the barn when the pangs of childbirth attacked her. She was a I person; as such had no experience of such an event and she was alone. She sat and leaned
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion
against the trunk of a dry palm tree for comfort. Then she gave birth to a son. The baby was beautiful, but the sorrow of having a child without a father was deep and painful. She cried, “I wish I had been dead and vanished under the ground before this happened to me!”
Immediately, she heard, “Grieve not, your Lord has placed a rivulet below. Shake the tree, ripe dates will fall for you. Eat, drink, and regain your lost energy. Be happy. What you see is the powers of Allah Who made the dry palm tree regain life to provide food for you.”
These words comforted her. Nevertheless, the newborn needed life-supporting essentials and a roof over his head. She decided to go back towards the city, but her fears haunted her. How would she explain this child? An immediate miracle gave her all the confidence. Much to her surprise, this child, born only moments ago, spoke to her, “If you meet any person, just give the sign. I am fasting for the Beneficent and will not speak to any human today.”
She entered the city confidently. As she had anticipated, her entry into the city with a newborn child aroused curiosity among those who knew her. Someone scolded her: “This is a terrible sin and a terrible burden that you are carrying!”
Maryam put her finger over her lips and pointed to the child.
They asked her, “How can we talk to a newborn child who is still in the cradle?” But everyone was amazed when, clearly, the child answered, “I am Allah’s servant. Allah (SWT) has given me the Book, has made me a Prophet. Has blessed me wherever I may be, and has enjoined on me prayers and alms-giving as long as I live. Allah (SWT) has made me dutiful towards her who has borne me. Peace unto me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive again.”
Most of those people who had heard the child speak; realized that the child was a unique phenomena and a Miracle of Allah (SWT). Still there were some among them; who thought that the infant’s speech was a magician’s trick! Nevertheless, Maryam was relieved at the reaction of the majority and accepted it to be a good omen for her to stay in Nazareth; where she would not be unduly harassed anymore.

So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of palm tree. She cried in her anguish, “Ah! Would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!” However, a voice cried to her from beneath the palm tree, “Do not grieve! For your Lord has provided a rivulet beneath you, and shake towards yourself the trunk of the palm tree, it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you. So eat, drink, and cool your eye. And if you see any man, say I have vowed a
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion
fast to Allah, Most Gracious, and this day I will not enter into any talk with any human being.” At length she brought the baby to her people, carrying him in her arms. They said, “O Maryam! Truly, an amazing thing you have brought! O sister of Haroun! Your father was not a man of evil or your mother an unchaste woman!” But she pointed to the baby. They said, “How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?” The child said, “I am indeed a servant of Allah. He has given me Revelation and made a prophet; and He has made me blessed where so ever I be, and has enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live, He has made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life again.!” Such was Eisa the son of Maryam. It is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute. It is not befitting to the majesty of Allah that He should beget a son. Glory is to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, “Be” and it is.
(Quran: 19/22-35)
Joseph the carpenter was greatly surprised when he learned about the story of Maryam. He asked Maryam, “Can a tree come to grow without a seed?”
Maryam replied, “Yes, the one that Allah created for the first time!” Joseph asked another question: “Is it possible to bear a child without a male partner?” Maryam replied, “Yes, Allah created Adam (AS) without a male or a female!” The news of the miracle of a newborn child, Eisa, talking and claiming the prophet hood
upset the Jewish priests. The priests felt that a new prophet in the nation of the Israelites would create a division among their people. Naturally, if the prophet performed any new miracles, their nationals would again accept and practice the Islamic monotheism, which would displace the existing Jewish tenets. The Jewish priests’ supremacy and enforced authority over their people would dissolve, leaving them high and dry. They decided to suppress the news of the miracle of Eisa’s speaking from the cradle. This news should not be permitted to reach the masses of their nation. Instead, a vigorous campaign should be launched to defame Maryam and openly accuse her for a great moral misdeed: having a child out of wedlock!
As Prophet Eisa (AS) progressed in his age, his reputation as a person of wisdom and superior knowledge also increased. Once, at the tender age of twelve, he joined a crowd listening to rabbis. All the audience was made up of adults; he was the only child. Prophet Eisa (AS) raised questions about some religious issues, which the rabbis could not answer or were unable to answer due to their limited knowledge.
This was an embarrassment for the rabbis! They told him to remain silent and listen. Nevertheless, Prophet Eisa (AS) continued to question the rabbis, and sometimes would offer his interpretation by supplementing the information. The attending crowd was enjoying these exchanges and was truly amazed at the logical information that came out of the mouth of this very young person. To the crowd, Prophet Eisa (AS) appeared to be a youthful fountain of knowledge!
In the past, Prophet Musa (AS) had commanded that the Sabbath, Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to be treated as a day of rest from work or business. What Prophet Musa (AS) had meant was that the Sabbath be dedicated to offer the extra prayers to worship Allah (SWT). However, the intended purpose of Sabbath was ignored; and instead new do’s and don’ts were introduced, which made a mockery of the original intention. The guardians of the law, the Pharisees, circumvented their own rules of Sabbath in exchange for a personal incentive offered to them as a bribe. Included among their rules of the Sabbath were the following:
• It was prohibited to call a doctor to treat a very sick person even though the life of the patient was in jeopardy!
• It was prohibited to travel more than a thousand yards!
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion
• It was prohibited to light fires even if it was necessary to keep one warm during a chilly spell.
It was on the blessed nights of Sabbath that the cruel and tyrannous authorities of the nations of Israel martyred two noble and prominent prophets; Prophets Zikariah (AS) and Yahyah (AS). It was also on the Sabbath when Prophet Eisa (AS) was commanded by Allah (SWT) to begin the call of righteousness on the children of Israel.
Prophet Eisa (AS) strongly resented the strong-arm tactics used by the Pharisees and Sadducees over the poor and helpless people of the nations of Israelites. Although these Pharisees and Sadducees never agreed on many issues among themselves, they were always in complete agreement with each other on the matters of adding monetary interest. They would uniformly levy heavy interest rates on the money that they lent to the poor people of their nation. Such practices were also encouraged by their rabbis and priests.
All the rabbis and the priests claimed that they were intercessors and mediators on behalf of Allah (SWT) and demanded offerings and gifts for themselves. In exchange for these offerings, they would arrange with Allah (SWT) to fulfill the prayers of their subjects. Another issue that bothered Prophet Eisa (AS) was that the priests would spoil and destroy a lot of the food that had come to the temples; instead of distributing the leftover abundant food among the poor people; who were always hungry most of the time and truly deserved such charities.
Prophet Eisa (AS) declared that the Mosaic Laws revealed through Prophet Musa (AS) should be revived and reinforced for the benefit of all the nations of Israel. He openly denounced the malpractices of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Prophet Eisa (AS) clarified that there could never be any mediators between the Creator and His creatures. Everyone had direct access to Allah (SWT) who Listens and Gives without bounds.
These messages were well received among the poor masses, but were strongly opposed by those, whose major interests were to dominate and subjugate the helpless. The rabbis and the priests called upon their people to pay no attention to the sermons of Prophet Eisa (AS) as he was trying to change the Taurat that was revealed to Prophet Musa (AS). Prophet Eisa (AS) declared and vehemently clarified that he did not come to abrogate the Taurat, but that his mission was to complete it by going to the spirit of its substance and arrive at its essence.
Prophet Eisa (AS) clarified that the Ten Commandments meant more than what was being interpreted by the rabbis. Moreover, there were many ways the Ten Commandments were being misused by those who were powerful and the leaders of their tribes.
• The properties of the orphans were being diluted with high interest rates. • False testimonies were being offered. • Prayers had been replaced with worships not sanctioned by Allah (SWT). • The worst form of illegal sexuality was the exhibition of the nakedness and hungry looks
of passion. • The people were involved in hoarding the wealth for living in their worldly life rather
than to prepare and send something for their eternal abode in the Hereafter. • The life of this earth was temporary, while the life of the Hereafter was everlasting. • Allah (SWT) was the Forgiver and the Merciful. Humans should be more compassionate
to each other as well.
The sermons and the teachings of Prophet Eisa (AS) were being widely received and respected by the masses. The priests were annoyed that their own people were ignoring them.
• • •
Prophet Eisa (AS) performed some miracles, by the Mercy of Allah (SWT), which had: Brought some people back to life after their death! Cured some lepers! Provided sight to some of those; who were born blind!
AL-ISLAM: Inception to Conclusion
These priests launched multiple campaigns to slander and embarrass Prophet Eisa (AS) and his mission.
One of the accusations they leveled against Prophet Eisa (AS) was that he was destroying the Mosaic Law. To support and prove this accusation, the priests brought a Jewish woman to Prophet Eisa (AS) and told him that the woman was a confessed adulteress. According to the Mosaic Law, she deserved to be stoned to death! The priests asked Prophet Eisa (AS) if he was in agreement with the sentence of stoning her to death. Prophet Eisa (AS) looked at the woman and replied, “Yes!”
The priests had not expected this affirmation. They had anticipated that Prophet Eisa (AS) would rule against the death and replace it with a milder sentence as a mercy and compassion; which had been his preaching to his followers. On the other hand, Prophet Eisa (AS) was also well aware that the priests were trying to trap and publicly disgrace him for what they thought would be the violation the Mosaic Law. There was a large crowd of onlookers who were anxiously listening to these exchanges.
Prophet Eisa (AS) told the priests, “She deserves to be stoned to death for her adultery and is so sentenced. Make sure that only those among you who are sinless caste the stones!”
The priests and those people who had assembled knew that not a single person among them could be sure that he was sinless! The woman was released. She bent down in front of Prophet Eisa (AS), who prayed for her: “O Lord, forgive her sins.”
These miracles were a gift from Allah (SWT) to assist this prophet in his mission among those who had set up their own laws of worship and prayers. The priests, although having seen the miracle of resurrection, tried to defame Prophet Eisa (AS) by saying that only the people who had died recently were resurrected; maybe they were not dead at all! Their challenge to Prophet Eisa (AS) was to bring back Sam, the son of Prophet Nuh (AS).
Prophet Eisa (AS) asked these challengers to take him to Sam’s grave. A large number of the people of the city also gathered at the gravesite. Prophet Eisa (AS) prayed to Allah (SWT) for divine help in resurrecting Sam. The grave split open and Sam, the son of Prophet Nuh (AS), walked out. Sam was gray-haired! Prophet Eisa (AS) asked Sam, “How did you get gray hair, as there was no aging in your time?” Sam replied, “O Spirit of Allah! I thought that the Day of Judgment had resurrected me. The fear of that Day caused my hair to turn gray.”

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