Today Thursday May 26 , 2011 radio lamagica1220am ( ) , weekly radio program called Islamformankind at 1:10 pm will be talking about emergency relief effort to assist those affected by recent Tornadoes that swiped our nation.
Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, secretly and publicly, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." (Al-Quran, 2:274)
Helping others gives comfort to the hearth; the first person who benefits from an act of charity is the benefactor himself by watching a smile form on the lips of another person.
Show kindness to others and you will certainly be the first one to benefit.
Islam teaches us to act in a caring manner to all of God's creation. The Prophet Muhammad, who is described in the Qur’an as “a mercy to the worlds” said: “All creation is the family of God, and the person most beloved by God (is the one) who is kind and caring toward His family."
Please tune in to today radio Islamformankind at 1220 am ( the show will start at 1:10 pm ) , you may listen live online at every Thursday at 1:10 pm Florida time. You may call to participate at 407 343 6001 , the show will be in English and Spanish .
In response to the recent Tornadoes that seeped USA, it’s a duty to every human being to assist regardless of religious’ affiliation, color or race. We are all humans, we share the same basic needs, it’s a shame to see people’s sufferings and not do anything to help. Please assist as much as you can, volunteer your time if you cannot do so financially.
In the past few weeks we have seen tornadoes devastate city after city here in America. On April 27, a pack of twisters roared across six Southern states, killing 314 people, more than two-thirds of them in Alabama. That was the single deadliest day for tornadoes since the National Weather Service began keeping such records in 1950.
On Sunday afternoon, a killer tornado ripped through a 6 mile stretch Joplin, Missouri city of 50,000 people, slamming straight into St. John's Regional Medical Center. With the death toll currently at 117, the National Weather Service has recorded this as the single deadliest twister in the past 60 years. Thousands of people have been left homeless and with no means of survival. It is time for us to do our part and help our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity.
Central Florida plans on making survival kits for those afflicted. Our aim is to collect enough funds and specific supplies to create a survival kit with the following items:
Box 16x16x16 $1.10
5 x bottles of water $0.70
3 X drink mix to flavor bottled water $0.36
Toothbrush $0.10
Shaver $0.10
Q-Tips (10ct in Mini Ziplock) $0.15
20 x Alochol Wipes $0.20
Comb $0.16
Bar of Soap $0.35
2 X Roll of Toilet Paper Individually wrapped $0.84
5 X Zip Lock Bags (To store important documents etc in) $0.25
5 x Bandaids $0.25
Mini Pretzles $0.40
Aquafresh Toothpaste 6oz $1.00
12oz+ Shampoo $1.00
2 Bx Crackers $3.62
1 Jar Peanut Butter $1.50
2 X Kool Aid Drink Mix $0.42
1 box Nature Valley Gronola Bars (4ct) $1.00
2 x Powered Milk Packets $4.00
1 Box / Bag Cereal (Family Size) $2.50
This box is worth $20. For 650 boxes this translates to $13,000 that we have only a week to collect. If we do not collect enough in funds, we will have to take out some of these essential items and cut down on the supplies we send.
We will NOT be collecting any clothing or shoes at this time.
We will need lots of volunteers to help us pack these items into the boxes on Sunday June 5th inshaAllah at our Sanford Warehouse Base Location for this project. We plan to meet from 11am - 5pm inshaAllah to pack the 650 boxes. The more volunteers we have the quicker we wll finish inshaAllah. We will also need help to transport items and boxes from Sam's Club and Home Depot to the warehouse on Saturday June 4th. Please let Masuma or Sofiyya know if you can help on Saturday June 4th.
We are working with ICNA Relief to collect our donations on June 6th inshaAllah. ICNA Relief's disaster response team is already in contact with the local muslim community and will soon be dispatching these basic supplies. Point of distribution will be local Islamic center which has not been hit by tornado. We apologize for the short notice but PLEASE consider our neighbors. It is time to get mobilized!
MONETARY DONATIONS ARE PREFERRED. Please contact Sofiyya Mohammed at (407) 373-9570 or Masuma Virji at (407) 474-3156 to make a contribution or to sponsor boxes to help the people of Joplin. You can make your tax deductible checks out to:
Knowledge for Living or United Muslim Foundation: both local Muslim non-profit charities that are collecting for this cause. Or you can make your secure online donation for the Tornado Survival Kits at
You may contribute to any organization that you would like , please be part of the the solution , the more you give, the more you receive. May God ( Allah ) bless you.